MUSE – Physiological and Affective Computing groupwork

In this blog we describe the project using muse and creating application The Personal Music Assistant.

Subject name: Physiological and Affective Computing, IFI7303.DT
Lecturers: Aleksander Valjamäe, Mati Mõttus

In the first project meeting we discussed the idea, what kind of tool will be created during the project.
It shall be useful and development has to fix to the time limit we have. It shall be ready 12th December 2016.

Mert Team
Piret Alvre
Katrin Aedma
Mert Nesvat
Joonas Sildre

Personal calming music assistant MuseMusa (MM)

Application concept

Main idea
Application. Tool to measure the music effect to the brain. If some person needs music for personal relaxation, we can by help of MM, choose the best relaxing music for user. Today muse is already used as a helping tool for meditation. Look the video: muse for meditation


Tehnical information
In order to analyse state of of the mind we’re using EEG device called muse. Muse observes our frontal lobe with 3 main input and then with this data it uses signal processing algorithms and feature extraction to make it more meaningful. Thus from muse SDK we can get details about the current state simultaneously.

Introduction for the clients
You will get the most suitable relaxing music what helps you to get fastest the relaxation of your mind and stay in the peaceful mind state.
It’s good to relax, decrease the stress level and support recovery.

Important is the presence of the client. Client coming to the MM office with some music CDs/ pen drive or sending songs via e-mail (or other electronic devices) to the MM analyst.
The analyst connecting muse device and MM and person will get the muse headsets to wear.
The analyst measures the mind state of the client.
During 5 minutes client will listen the music. Analyst measures results.
The same process will be conducted with each song.
In the end of the measuring the songs, analyst measures the mind state without music to compare the first measures and the last ones (without music).
Client can go home and analyst will analyze the results of tests, writes short rapport with the resume and pointing to the best music.
Report will be delivered to the client via digital channels
Client will get personal relaxing music.

Tasks for next meeting
1) Read palming and see if it is possible to connect with the project
2) Make the blog sheet in WordPress

1) Text/ explanation why we choose this approach (based on scientific survey)

1. Description in the blog
2) First trial: how to understand the calm state (on the scale 1-10 during 5 min) and put music to the application and analyze the peaks on the music

1) Music to test
2) Interface

In the second meeting we had possibility to check how the The Personal Music Assistant works!

muse-trial2 muse-trial1


Author: Katrin Aedma

Olen üks paljudest värvilistest inimestest, kes reisib palju ja elab julgelt. Minu armastus, töö ja hobi on koolitamine. Koolitan seda, kuidas suhelda enese ja teistega. Minu kireks on õppimine ja õpetamine, kogemine ja teadmiste jagamine nii koolitaja, kirjaniku kui ajakirjanikuna. Olen neli korda kõrgkoolis õppinud ja lektorina aastaid koolitanud, töötanud juhina kahes oma aja suurimas ettevõttes (SEB ja Eesti Energia), toetanud paljusid ettevõtteid nende arengus konsultandi ja arengueksperdina. Mulle meeldivad mustad lambad ja valged varesed, meeldib mõelda süsteemis, samas raamidest väljas, katsetada uut ja huvitavat austades traditsioone... Mulle meeldivad heatahtlikud, julged, ausad ja asjalikud inimesed. Armastan loodust ja austan igat elusolendit. Armastan elu ja olen tänulik iga päeva eest!

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